Sandy's Christmas Story!
This story started after I had spent a very long time working on a wonderful tutorial for Santa by Christina Gibbs called "Another Santa". After spending so much time on it I wanted to find something a little different for the background. Then I remembered an old set of photos that I had from my house in Virginia. There was one that looked just perfect. After installing the santa and looking at the result, I noticed that his expression was one of total bewilderment, and that is when I got the idea of attaching a blurb that indicated that maybe he had a touch of alzheimer's.
So, after completing the sleigh it seemed only right to continue the story. And as things will have it, one thing has led to another until I seem to have a story happening here.
Where it will end I am not sure. You will notice that there are blank holes on the last page just waiting for an ending that I have not even figured out yet! LOL But, I am sure I will think of something.
Hope you enjoy my Christmas Story. *S*
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