Okay, we are going to do some things a little different here; Just because I want you to see there is more then one way to do something in PSP; So, unzip your tut supplies and get your font installed and lets get this baby going. Oh yeah I didn't zip the kitten graphic, so this should be an easy download on it. Open a new canvas in PSP with a size of width 480 and height of 200 Set your Foreground color at Null and your background color on Gradient with the Metalic gradient as the selection Angle 90; Repeat 0 ; Text Tool; set your font choice at Fastso; size at 72; Floating checked and Antialias checked; Type your text; now center the text but a little over to the right; We need room for the kitty on the left and at the bottom; with the ants still around the text; Selections; Save to Alpha Channel; Selections; None Open the kitty psp file in PSP; Edit copy; click on the text canvas; Edit; Paste as a New Layer; Now move the kitty so it's paw almost touched the side of the text; then; Layers; Duplicate; Image; Mirror; Move the new mirrored kitten so they are facing each other; go to Copy of Layer 2 and adjust the opacity down to 57; Selections; Load from Alpha Channel; Selections; Invert; Delete key on your keyboard; Selections Layer Palette; left click on Layer 2 and drag it above; Copy of Layer 2 on the Layer Palette. Click on the words Copy of Layer 2 to highlight them; Layers; New Raster Layer Okay now Null out your Background color square and set your Foreground color at White; Text Tool; Tool Options; Line Width 3; click on the canvas; and you should just be able to hit okay, cause it should still show your text; Now place the outline right on top of the metalic text; Effects; Texture Effects; Sculpture; Preset select Gold from the drop down menu; use the default settings but change the angle to 96; Selections; None Layer Palette; click on the word Layer 1 to highlight it; Layers; Duplicate; Layer Palette; now left click on the word Copy of Layer 1 and drag it to the top of the stack Layer Palette; click on the word Layer 2 to highlight it; Layers; Duplicate; Layer Palette; now left click on the word Copy of Layer 2 and drag it to the top of the stack; turn off all layers but Copy of Layer 2 by clicking on the glasses so the red X appears. View; Zoom in by;1; Lasso Tool; Tool Options; Feather at 0; now circle the paw; click in the center of the selections to tighten the ants; Edit; Copy; Delete key on your keyboard.; Okay we have the paw gone but not really it's sitting in Copy; Edit; Paste as a new layer; Image; Rotate; Direction, right; Degree, free 10; Now take your move tool and move the paw back to the kitten but move it a little in and down then it was before Layers; Arrange; Move Down; Layers; Merge; Merge Visible; Layers; Duplicate; Image; Okay this is where it's gonna sound a little weird but bear with me, I'm doing this to keep the wobbles away; View; Zoom in by 5; Layer Palette; take the glasses off Copy of Layer 2 so you can see the faded kitty; Move Tool; Now move the mirrored kitty right on top of the faded one, make sure you match it closely or you'll get a wobble, stack the pixels one on top of the other and use the grid as a guide; If you need to turn the opacity back up on Layer 2, move the mirrored kitty and once you have it moved go back and drop the opacity on Copy of Layer 2 back to 57 Layer Palette; turn Copy of Layer 2 back off by click on the glasses so the X appears; with Copy of Merged still highlighted; Selections; Load from Alpha Channel; Selections; Invert; Delete key on your keyboard; Selections; None; Layer Palette; and reduce the opacity on this layer to 57; click on the word Merged and drag that layer up to the top of the stack Layer Palette; Remove the X from Layer 3 and click it to highlight it; Layers; Duplicate; Layer Palette; left click on Copy of Layer 3 and drag it to the spot above Copy of Merged and place the glasses back on Layer 3 Okay your top four layers in your Layer Palette should NOT have X's, the bottom four should, click on the word Merged (top Layer) Layers; Merge; Merge Visible Layer Palette; turn off that newly merged layer and take the X's off the bottom four layers, click on Layer 1; Layers; Merge; Merge Visible; Layer Palette; remove the X's; Save with the Save Tool Okay Launch Animation Shop and open the kitty in AS Edit; Select All; Animation; Frame Properties; Enter 32 where you see the 10 Click on Frame 1; Edit; Copy; click on the last frame; Edit; paste after Current Frame Click on Frame 2; Edit; Copy; click on the last frame; Edit; paste after Current Frame Click on Frame 3; Edit; Copy; click on the last frame; Edit; paste after Current Frame Okay lets reset some frame times; Right click on Frame 3; Frame Properties; enter 15; Okay; Right click on Frame 5; Frame Properties; enter 106; Okay now you can crop if you need to and then just hit play; You're done.................................meow